Saturday, August 4, 2007


Africa -the word originates from Latin meaning 'Sunny'

One movie that made a serious impact after a long time was 'Hotel Rwanda' a beautiful movie portraying the gore situation in Rwanda. One should really appreciate the director and his crew not only for the directorial excellence, but also for taking a controversial topic and handling it very well.

It might just be a movie for all of us, watch the movie feel sorry for those black Africans struggling and of course do what we do best; criticize them for their behavior, atrocities and human rights violation and after the movie gets over everything is back to zero, we are on our way and the leave the Africans handle their own business. But this movie to me is one of its kind which provides beautiful insights into the functioning of Government particularly the Western government, greed for money, oil, stature and of course power!!. Western countries may proclaim, that era of colonialism is long gone and is a story of the past, but the days have changed countries have become cleverer particularly the U.S, European and other countries they know how to play the game; the game of color, the discrimination, the show of superiority and power.

The African continent, considered to be the cradle of man kind (experts in the field human anthropology still consider that the first human race might have originated from Africa), considered to be rich in resources of all kind from the minerals to oil to other natural resources. Now the countries in Africa leaving few are in a pity state, either dependent on aids from IMF or World Bank or have become a quasi control of other nations and extremists. It needs no explanation why such a sorry state, courtesy the world super powers Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy everybody made their presence felt by enriching their exchequers during the colonial era. No one can beat the English when it comes to the colonial era, they were the masters they know how to play the game. The queen’s men performed their duties in right earnest by looting the land of fortune and leaving the country with trouble and divide. The movie explains how the colonial power divided them into two clans, fostering and nurturing a single clan there by creating enmity and division between the two clans and washed its hands off (India, Iraq, Palestine are the best example of British colonial rule, where in they cleverly executed the divide and rule policy) during the period of mid 20th century the African nations where given the so called freedom, which was short lived as they were again colonized by our favorite Uncle (SAM). They won’t agree they colonized it, but they would coin beautiful words to euphemize it.

In this article and in its follow-ups I’ll be discussing about the current situation in the African countries and how are our so called super powers in the name of aid and rehabilitation swindling the country of its last riches.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The real juggernaut

The English word 'Juggernaut' derived from Sanskrit ( Meaning - Lord of the World ), which formally represents the rath yatra or the chariot festival held in Puri ( Capital of state Orrisa ) where in Lord Jagganath an incarnation of Lord Vishnu is carried on a rath ( Chariot ) along with his brother and sister, the hindu mythology has that they were going on a holiday. The significance of the event is the size of the rath, it is 60 feet in height and is pulled through the city by more than 1000 people. The British seeing the grandiose of the event and fathomed by the impossible feet happening in front of them, coined the word Juggernaut - Meaning 'to describe any literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable that will crush all in its path'.
The issue is not about the word nor its origination, it is about its relevance to INDIA as a country, India is the real juggernaut that has set itself into motion from the year 1991 yet the rath has moved at a slow pace over the years its gaining steam, its gaining momentum its getting ready to crush those who are trying to stop it. In this blog i'll be discussing about 'The Indian Juggernaut' about the facts, facets, competitors, friends, economy and the various aspects of India that has made it a diverse country in the world. Its truly India ..Incredible India!!